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Panama Canal increases draft and daily transits


The Panama Canal has announced that it will increase the number of daily transits from 32 to 33, starting 11 July.

This number will further rise to 34 as of 22 July, in response to the current and projected water levels of Gatun Lake over the coming weeks, and the onset of the rainy season in the Panama Canal Watershed.

With these gradual increases, by 22 July the Canal will have added two transits to the current schedule: one for the panamax locks (bringing daily transits to 25), and one for the neopanamax locks (raising daily transits to 9). Additionally, an increase in draft from 45 to 46 feet was announced, effective from 15 June.

Current Scenario Effective July 11 Effective July 22
Panamax Locks 24 24 25
Neopanamax Locks 8 9 9
Total 32 33 34

The Panama Canal said it will continue to monitor weather conditions daily to implement the necessary operational actions in the event of increased rainfall in its watershed.

Source: Container News

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